Data Transfer

Rick Jaffe

Guidance and referrals regarding data management strategies; DMPs for grants; data discovery, storage, security, privacy, sharing, publication, and preservation.

Erin Foster

Erin is the Service Lead for the UC Berkeley Research Data Management Program. In this role, Erin oversees the program and its services to academic departments and service units and is responsible for providing leadership and collaborative coordination to ensure the success of this university-wide program. Erin supports researchers with services related to the management of research data. These services range from communicating best practices to advising on available technical solutions to offering a sympathetic ear. Erin collaborates with colleagues to...

Introducing the New Research Data Management (RDM) Program Website

July 25, 2022

As Service Lead of the Research Data Management (RDM) Program, I am very excited to announce the launch of the new RDM Program website! Since its beginning in 2015, the RDM Program supports and advocates for campus researchers and their research data needs. In partnership with other campus research support units, we consult with...

Jason C. Christopher

I am a Research Computing Architect, Service Lead and Information Security Officer in Research IT at UC Berkeley. I currently manage the:

Secure Research Data and Computation (SRDC) Platform, providing secure, scalable, customized virtual machines, and high performance computing (HPC) for research with sensitive and protected data. The Platform serves schools and departments across campus, ranging in study from...

Karen Fernsler

Karen Fernsler is a HPC Systems Engineer who builds and maintains HPC LInux clusters at the Lab and on the UC Berkeley campus for the Berkeley Research Computing program. In addition to being the group’s Globus expert, she also supports Linux in various flavors for servers and workstations for the ALS and Molecular Foundry national user facilities.

Ken Lutz

Director of Research IT

Mark Yashar

Research IT / BRC Domain Consultant and HPC User Support; Research Specialist at UCB CITRIS