On June 25, 2014 the Research IT team joined more than 400 colleagues to participate in a "forum for UC Berkeley IT staff and teams to network, share their work, highlight new technology and provide status on key initiatives." The OneIT Summit included posters describing a broad range of information technology services, projects, and initiatives offered by teams across the campus.
Research IT mounted five posters (pictured), including an overview of the group's portfolio as well and posters describing four major programs and services: Berkeley Research Computing, Research Data Management, Digital Humanities, and CollectionSpace (links are to PDFs of the posters).
Research IT Associate Director Patrick Schmitz facilitated a "Birds of a Feather" (BoF) session on information technology in research. Staff from the College of Letters and Science, the School of Information, the School of Social Welfare, the Space Sciences Lab, and the Department of Linguistics attended, among others. Several BoF attendees have agreed to particpate in ongoing service definition work as Research IT shapes services to support Cloud Computing, Virtual Workstations, and Research Data Management.
Additional posters and videos from the event can be found on the OneIT Summit's videos/photos page.