When preparing a proposal to a funding agency, researchers focus on the grant narrative, framing their work in the most innovative and compelling way possible. Crafting a narrative that can stand as a surrogate for a scholar’s research for reviewers to evaluate is itself a time-consuming...Read more about DMPTool and RDM consultants support grant submission
Librarian-led research incubators, e-portfolios for promotion and tenure, content creation for visualization walls, and bulk OCR using a high performance computing (HPC) cluster shared the stage at UCLA on February 23rd for the second Digital Humanities Infrastructure Symposium. Organized by...Read more about Research IT Staff Present at UCLA Digital Humanities Infrastructure Symposium
A cohort of students in Haas’s Masters of Financial Engineering (MFE) program have been using Analytics Environments on Demand (AEoD) to work on their Applied Finance Projects, the final projects in the MFE program. Five Applied Finance Project teams used AEoD resources, serving a total of...Read more about New BRC service making an impact at Haas School of Business
A collection of digitized texts marks the start of a research project — or does it?
For many social sciences and humanities researchers, creating searchable, editable, and machine-readable digital texts out of heaps of paper in archival boxes or from books painstakingly sourced from...Read more about Go from Analog to Digital Texts with OCR
Construction has begun on a visualization wall at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology in Kroeber Hall that will immerse viewers in guided tours of archeology sites and other displays in 3D.
A workshop will be offered Tuesday, March 7, 2017 on the use of Juypter notebooks on Savio, the UC Berkeley campus’s high-performance computing (HPC) cluster and on the other Berkeley Research Computing HPC clusters, Cortex and Vector.